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Supermarket Belongs to the Community

Supermarket belongs to the community. While Chef has the responsibility to keep it running and be stewards of its functionality, what it does and how it works is driven by the community. The chef/supermarket repository will continue to be where development of the Supermarket application takes place. Come be part of shaping the direction of Supermarket by opening issues and pull requests or by joining us on the Chef Mailing List.

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dynamic_motd (6) Versions 0.1.2

Configures a dynamic MOTD on linux systems.

cookbook 'dynamic_motd', '= 0.1.2', :supermarket
cookbook 'dynamic_motd', '= 0.1.2'
knife supermarket install dynamic_motd
knife supermarket download dynamic_motd
Quality 67%


Shows system statistics and a static message at logon.

This is a message!

                _  _____     _                       _       _
  ___ ___ _ __ | ||___  |   | |_ ___ _ __ ___  _ __ | | __ _| |_ ___
 / __/ _ \ '_ \| __| / /____| __/ _ \ '_ ` _ \| '_ \| |/ _` | __/ _ \
| (_|  __/ | | | |_ / /_____| ||  __/ | | | | | |_) | | (_| | ||  __/
 \___\___|_| |_|\__/_/       \__\___|_| |_| |_| .__/|_|\__,_|\__\___|

Welcome to "CentOS Linux release 7.3.1611 (Core) " (3.10.0-514.10.2.el7.x86_64).

System information as of: Tue Mar  7 12:53:38 EST 2017

System Load:    0.00, 0.01, 0.05    System Uptime:      3 days 21 hours 9 min 45 sec
Memory Usage:   0.0%            Swap Usage:     0.0%
Usage On /: 48G         Access Rights on /: (rw
Local Users:    1           Whoami:         root
Processes:  107

Interface           MAC Address     IP Address
eno16777984     00:50:56:80:5b:11



Just include dynamic_motd in your node's run_list:

  "run_list": [



Static message to display with the system statistics

Default Value:

  • ''

Ruby usage:

node['dynamic_motd']['message'] = 'This is a message!'

JSON usage:

  "dynamic_motd": {
    "message": "This is a message!"

Dependent cookbooks

This cookbook has no specified dependencies.

Contingent cookbooks

There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.

Collaborator Number Metric

0.1.2 failed this metric

Failure: Cookbook has 0 collaborators. A cookbook must have at least 2 collaborators to pass this metric.

Foodcritic Metric

0.1.2 passed this metric

License Metric

0.1.2 passed this metric