cookbook 'cwb', '= 0.1.0'
cwb (4) Versions 0.1.0 Follow0
Installs/Configures cwb
cookbook 'cwb', '= 0.1.0', :supermarket
knife supermarket install cwb
knife supermarket download cwb
TODO: Enter the cookbook description here.
Dev (getting more serious)
- Use Github issue tracker
- Refer and link to tickets within commit messages
- Write (mainly covers what changes from a user's perspective) and link to ticket
- Propose improved Git repository layout
- At least distinguish between [cwb-server], [cwb-client], [cwb-cookbook]
- How can a cookbook repo be easily managed?
- The cleanest option would be to have a separate repository for each cookbook and then maybe a sealuzh-cloud-workbench organization to manage permissions at this level. However, it might be more pragmatic though to have all cookbooks within one repository
- [cwb-server] cloud-workbench: existing repo; contains cwb-server cookbook for installation
- [cwb-client] cloud-workbench-client or cwb-client: client utility gem
- [cwb-benchmarks] benchmark-cookbooks or cwb-benchmarks: actual benchmarks (does not contain any community cookbooks! => Provide Berkshelf quick guide, should pass --no-git option!, document FAQ such as SSL validation config + .DS_Store issue on Mac
- Where should the cwb cookbook that installs the client utility on cloud servers live?
- cwb-server: (+) belongs to the cwb infrastructure
- cwb-client: (+) would be logical that the client knows how to install itself on a cloud VM
- cwb-benchmarks: (+) easy to upload => seems logical to look for cookbooks here; (-) not really a benchmark
- Document berks error on Mac!!!: berks upload could produce: Ridley::Errors::HTTPBadRequest: {"error":["Invalid element in array value of 'files'."]}
find . -name '*.DS_Store' -type f -delete
- Resource naming: benchmark vs benchmark_file (à la cookbook_file)
- Library naming: BenchmarkUtil vs ... (Benchmark is already taken from the cwb client gem!)
- deep_fetch: might be better to return nil instead of '' in order to be able to distinguish between empty and non-existing attribute
- Provide examples
- Simple getting started ("one-liner")
- More advanced using the Cwb::BenchmarkUtil utility
- Debugging with binding.pry
- Local: Vagrant/test-kitchen "sudo -E /opt/chef/bin/chef-solo --config /tmp/kitchen/solo.rb --log_level auto --force-formatter --no-color --json-attributes /tmp/kitchen/dna.json"
- [cwb-cli] Log errors to stderr instead of stdout; Improve cwb cli utility error messages => include suggestions
- cwb cli might be able to recognize suites the same way as benchmarks (point to file instead of directory)
- cwb cli might support directory path for benchmark (i.e. benchmark path)
- DOCS: provide basic (getting started with a minimal example) + advanced guide
- Example with the Benchmark Ruby library
- Local testing with Vagrant/test-kitchen
- Handle case where cwb.server (i.e., cwb-server IP) is available but instance requrests failed
- Support node.yml for local testing (i.e., just beside a local benchmark file, may provide a cwb command to generate one from attributes/default.rb) => Keep in mind that the cwb utility should be kept as small as possible because it is loaded during benchmark execution!
- Simplify cwb-server installation!!!
- Improve installation cookbook (dependency hell!)
- ADVICE: "Idempotent systems are better than idempotent records" => design data driven cookbooks!
- Consider providing a Docker image!
- [cwb-cookbook] smarter implementation of updated_by_last_action notification method similar to:
- Fix cookbook that use
(not supported anymore)
- Add the utility command cwb ssh IP to ssh into cwb instances => provide cloud-benchmarking.pem path in config or as arg!
- Provide a mechanism for benchmark repetitions
- Provide mechanism to post/or sync back logging within the VM
- Provide automatic metric collection (e.g., for CPU model name), maybe also for other Ohai attributes such as network or io counters
- Replace data bag with parameter passing from default Vagrantfile via the reserved cwb namespace for save merge! => may prefix and suffix Vagrantfile
- Provide (extensible) CliBenchmark cookbook that allows to define cookbook-less benchmarks (only via web interface)
- Provide utilities for multi-VM benchmarks
- Improve reuse of class via DI into the constructor (at least for Benchmark) instead of relying on inheritance => Sample use in BenchmarkSuite
- Example: sysbench =
- Simpler execution in BenchmarkSuite instead of akward query mechanism to existing benchmark instances à la: @cwb.execute(sysbench) => User should not handle working_directory issues (but might override the settings)
- Reuse Cwb::BenchmarkUtil between cwb cookbook and cli
- Improve cwb cli + cookbook validation (e.g., no special characters, Ruby class validation via repond_to?, or linting for a) naming patterns b) inheritance < Cwb::Benchmark c) execute/execute_suite method )
- Delegate execution to client of correct execute_in_working_dir handling
- Parameter passing into run => How can we implement passing the repetition number?!
- Filter node hash (if necessary)
- Take a look how Chef-zero could be used for testing
- [cwb-server] Reprovision button should not start execution (this would be bad during development)
- Non-uniform VM identification might be an issue with multi VM benchmarks
- Multi-VM benchmarks won't currently work in GCE because the VM identifier is not unique in execution scope!
- Technical constraints: Currently, VM detection is done server-side (i.e., on the cwb-server) based on the Vagrant file system structure
- ACTUAL: provider + provider_id is used to identify VM
- Vagrant: .vagrant/ROLE/PROVIDER/id contains:
- aws: instance_id (query via API within cloud VM)
- gce: instance_id (pass metadata in Vagrantfile and query via API within cloud VM)
- virtualbox: some long hash ID (NOT SOLVED HOW TO GET THIS FROM WITHIN THE VM!?)
- a) Vagrant role-based (- hard/impossible? to resolve on cloud VM)
- b) Chef node name (- server-side detection not feasible => maybe during the Chef run every VM should register itself at the cwb-server; not necessarily entirely unique, e.g., deleted clients/nodes on the Chef server can be recreated!)
- c) Add cwb-specifc VM identifier (- cannot be controlled on VM level)
- Authentication: Chef client key might be used, it gets generated on the Chef server, if one copies the private key to the cwb-server, the client.pem could serve as authentication key.
Supported Platforms
TODO: List your supported platforms.
<td>whether to include bacon</td>
Include cwb
in your node's run_list
{ "run_list": [ "recipe[cwb::default]" ] }
License and Authors
Dependent cookbooks
This cookbook has no specified dependencies.
Contingent cookbooks
There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.
Initial release of cwb
Foodcritic Metric
0.1.0 failed this metric
FC009: Resource attribute not recognised: /tmp/cook/99888fcbde396017ee89d114/cwb/recipes/install.rb:2
0.1.0 failed this metric