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List of Adoptable Cookbooks

Supermarket Belongs to the Community

Supermarket belongs to the community. While Chef has the responsibility to keep it running and be stewards of its functionality, what it does and how it works is driven by the community. The chef/supermarket repository will continue to be where development of the Supermarket application takes place. Come be part of shaping the direction of Supermarket by opening issues and pull requests or by joining us on the Chef Mailing List.

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consul-template-cookbook (7) Versions 0.1.0

Installs/Configures consul-template. This is a fork of the consul-template cookbook which fixes some errors and removes support for Windows.

cookbook 'consul-template-cookbook', '= 0.1.0', :supermarket
cookbook 'consul-template-cookbook', '= 0.1.0'
knife supermarket install consul-template-cookbook
knife supermarket download consul-template-cookbook
Quality 33%


Build Status
Cookbook Version

Installs and configures consul-template.

This is a fork of with the following changes:

  • Drop support for Windows
  • No longer use libarchive as it causes a lot of problems.
  • Use the tgz packages instead of the zip ones.
  • Use a more modern style of defining resources.
  • Use poise_service to define the service.
  • Collapse all the recipes into default.
  • Only define the checksums for the 0.20.0, 0.19.5, and 0.18.0. Or in other words, just for the latest 3 minor versions.
  • Support the arm architecture.
  • Only support the linux OS.

Supported Platforms

  • Ubuntu 18.04
  • Debian 9.8
  • Centos 7.6


  • node['consul_template']['base_url'] - Base URL for consul-template binary files
  • node['consul_template']['version'] - Version of consul-template to install. Used to determine which binary to grab from the base_url.
  • 'node['consul_template']['install_dir'] - Directory where consul-template should be installed.
  • node['consul_template']['checksums'] - Contains a hash of checksums where the key is the file for a given OS/architecture, and the value is the associated checksum. For example, consul-template_0.3.1_linux_amd64.
  • node['consul_template']['config_dir'] - The directory that contains the configuration files for consul-template.
  • node['consul_template']['service_user'] - Defines the user that should be used for the consul-template service.
  • node['consul_template']['service_group'] - Defines the group that should be used for the consul-template service.
  • node['consul_template']['template_mode'] - File permissions mode for all consul-template configuration files.
  • node['consul_template']['consul_addr'] - Name:port to access consul (default:
  • node['consul_template']['vault_addr'] - URL to access Vault (default:

Additionally, the contents of the node['consul_template']['config'] hash will be reflected into the default configuration file -- /etc/consul-template.d/default.json.



Installs and configures consul-template.



Creates configuration files in node['consul_template']['config_dir'], and
reloads the configuration.

For example, if you want to generate HAProxy's config using consul-template,
you may include something like this in your recipe:

consul_template_config 'haproxy' do
  templates [{
    source: '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg.ctmpl',
    destination: '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg',
    command: 'service haproxy restart'
  notifies :reload, 'service[consul-template]', :delayed

Dependent cookbooks

tar >= 0.0.0
poise-service >= 0.0.0

Contingent cookbooks

There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.

Collaborator Number Metric

0.1.0 failed this metric

Failure: Cookbook has 0 collaborators. A cookbook must have at least 2 collaborators to pass this metric.

Contributing File Metric

0.1.0 failed this metric

Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file

Foodcritic Metric

0.1.0 passed this metric

No Binaries Metric

0.1.0 passed this metric

Testing File Metric

0.1.0 failed this metric

Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file

Version Tag Metric

0.1.0 failed this metric

Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number