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confluence (45) Versions 2.1.1

Installs/Configures Atlassian Confluence

cookbook 'confluence', '= 2.1.1', :supermarket
cookbook 'confluence', '= 2.1.1'
knife supermarket install confluence
knife supermarket download confluence
Quality 100%

Confluence Cookbook

Cookbook Version
Build Status


Installs/Configures an instance of Atlassian Confluence.



  • RHEL/CentOS 6, 7
  • Ubuntu 12.04, 14.04



The Atlassian Confluence Linux installer will automatically configure a bundled JRE.

If you prefer Confluence standalone installation, then you have to manage JDK/JRE 8
(Supported Platforms)
on this node. It can be done with java cookbook and appropricate attributes:

node.set['java']['jdk_version'] = "8"
include_recipe 'java'


These attributes are under the node['confluence'] namespace.

Attribute Description Type Default
checksum SHA256 checksum for Confluence install String auto-detected by library method
home_path home directory for Confluence user String /var/atlassian/application-data/confluence
install_path location to install Confluence String /opt/atlassian/confluence
install_type Confluence install type - "installer", "standalone" String installer
url URL for Confluence install String auto-detected by library method
user user running Confluence String confluence
version Confluence version to install String 5.10.3

Notice: If ['confluence']['install_type'] is set to installer, then the installer will try to upgrade your Confluence instance located in ['confluence']['install_path'] (if it exists) to the ['confluence']['version'].

If you want to avoid an unexpected upgrade, just set or override ['confluence']['version'] attribute value to that of your current confluence version.

Confluence Database Attributes

These attributes are under the node['confluence']['database'] namespace.

Attribute Description Type Default
host FQDN or IP of database server ("" automatically installs ['database']['type'] server) String ""
name Confluence database name String confluence
password Confluence database user password String changeit
port Confluence database port Fixnum 3306 for MySQL, 5432 for PostgreSQL
type Confluence database type - "mysql" or "postgresql" String mysql
user Confluence database user String confluence

Confluence JVM Attributes

These attributes are under the node['confluence']['jvm'] namespace.

Attribute Description Type Default
minimum_memory JVM minimum memory String 512m
maximum_memory JVM maximum memory String 768m
maximum_permgen JVM maximum PermGen memory String 256m
java_opts additional JAVA_OPTS to be passed to Confluence JVM during startup String ""
bundled_jre prefer JRE bundled with linux installer Boolean true

Confluence Tomcat Attributes

These attributes are under the node['confluence']['tomcat'] namespace.

Attribute Description Type Default
port Tomcat HTTP port Fixnum 8090


  • recipe[confluence] Installs/configures Atlassian Confluence
  • recipe[confluence::apache2] Installs/configures Apache 2 as proxy (ports 80/443)
  • recipe[confluence::database] Installs/configures MySQL/Postgres server, database, and user for Confluence
  • recipe[confluence::linux_installer] Installs/configures Confluence via Linux installer"
  • recipe[confluence::linux_standalone] Installs/configures Confluence via Linux standalone archive"
  • recipe[confluence::tomcat_configuration] Configures Confluence's built-in Tomcat
  • recipe[confluence::crowd_sso] Configures user authentication with Crowd single sign-on


Confluence Data Bag

For security purposes it is recommended to use data bag for storing secrets
like passwords and database credentials.

You can override any attributes from the ['confluence'] namespace using the
confluence/confluence data bag. It could be either encrypted or not
encrypted by your choice.

"id": "confluence",
"confluence": {
"database": {
"type": "postgresql",
"name": "confluence_db",
"user": "confluence_user",
"password": "confluence_db_password",

(Note - "confluence" nesting level is required!)

These credentials will be used for your Confluence installation instead of
appropriate attribute values.

Data bag's and item's names are optional and can be changed by overriding
attributes ['confluence']['data_bag_name'] and ['confluence']['data_bag_item']

Confluence Server Installation

The simplest method is via the default recipe, which uses node['confluence']['install_type'] to determine best method.

  • Optionally (un)encrypted data bag or set attributes
    • knife data bag create confluence
    • knife data bag edit confluence confluence --secret-file=path/to/secret
  • Add recipe[confluence] to your node's run list.

Custom Confluence Configurations

Using individual recipes, you can use this cookbook to configure Confluence to fit your environment.

  • Optionally (un)encrypted data bag or set attributes
    • knife data bag create confluence
    • knife data bag edit confluence confluence --secret-file=path/to/secret
  • Add individual recipes to your node's run list.


Development of this cookbook has been generously supported in part by
the code contributions of the following organizations:

License and Author

  • Author:: Mikhail Zholobov (, @legal90)
  • Author:: Brian Flad (, @bflad)
  • Author:: Denny Schäfer (, @tuxinaut)
  • Copyright:: 2013, Brian Flad
  • Copyright:: 2013, University of Pennsylvania
  • Copyright:: 2013, Denny Schäfer

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

Dependent cookbooks

apache2 >= 0.0.0
ark >= 0.0.0
database >= 0.0.0
java >= 0.0.0
mysql < 8.0
mysql_connector >= 0.0.0
mysql2_chef_gem >= 0.0.0
postgresql >= 0.0.0

Contingent cookbooks

There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.

Collaborator Number Metric

2.1.1 passed this metric

Foodcritic Metric

2.1.1 passed this metric