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collectd-abiquo (3) Versions 0.1.0

Installs and configures the Abiquo collectd plugin

cookbook 'collectd-abiquo', '= 0.1.0', :supermarket
cookbook 'collectd-abiquo', '= 0.1.0'
knife supermarket install collectd-abiquo
knife supermarket download collectd-abiquo
Quality 100%

Chef cookbook for the abiquo-writer collectd plugin

Build Status
collectd-abiquo Cookbook
Chef Version

This cookbook provides a recipe to install the Abiquo collectd plugin.
It integrates any virtual machine deployed in the Abiquo platform with the
metrics system and allows them to push their own metrics to the Abiquo API.


The cookbook has been tested in the following platforms:

  • CentOS 6.5
  • Ubuntu 14.04

The cookbook depends on the following cookbooks:

  • collectd-lib
  • python
  • yum-epel


  • recipe[collectd-abiquo] - Installs collectd and the Abiquo monitoring plugin
  • recipe[collectd-abiquo::collectd] - Installs and configures collectd and the default plugins
  • recipe[collectd-abiquo::plugin] - Installs and configures the Abiquo collectd plugin


The following attributes are under the node['collectd_abiquo'] namespace.

Attribute Description Type Mandatory Default value
['endpoint'] The endpoint where the plugin will push the metrics String Yes nil
['auth_type'] The authentication method used to push metrics to the Abiquo API (basic oauth) String No
['username'] The username used to authenticate to the Abiquo API String When using basic auth nil
['password'] The password used to authenticate to the Abiquo API String When using basic auth nil
['app_key'] The OAuth application key used to authenticate to the Abiquo API String When using OAuth nil
['app_secret'] The OAuth application secret used to authenticate to the Abiquo API String When using OAuth nil
['access_token'] The OAuth access token used to authenticate to the Abiquo API String When using OAuth nil
['access_token_secret'] The OAuth access token secret used to authenticate to the Abiquo API String When using OAuth nil
['python_module_path'] The path where python modules are installed String No /usr/lib/collectd
['packages'] The names of the collectd packages to install List No ['collectd'] (['collectd-core', 'libpython2.7'] in Ubuntu)
['plugins'] The names of the default collectd plugins to install List No ['cpu', 'disk', 'interface']
['log_traces'] Enables the Abiquo plugin log Boolean No true
['version'] The version of the Abiquo plugin to install String No master
['url'] The URL of the Abiquo plugin file String Yes
['verify_ssl'] Enable SSL validation when pushing the metrics Boolean No false
['flush_interval_secs'] Interval in which the metrics are pushed, in seconds Integer No 30


The cookbook is pretty straightforward to use. Just set all the mandatory attributes with the values for
the notification endpoint and the OAuth credentials, and include the recipe[collectd-abiquo] in the
run list.


In order to test the cookbook you will need to install Vagrant and VirtualBox.
Once installed you can run the unit and integration tests as follows:

bundle install
bundle exec berks install   # Install the cookbook dependencies
bundle exec rake            # Run the unit and style tests
bundle exec rake kitchen    # Run the integration tests

License and authors

Copyright:: 2015, Abiquo

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

Dependent cookbooks

collectd-lib ~> 3.0.1
python ~> 1.4.6
yum-epel ~> 0.6.0

Contingent cookbooks

There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.

collectd-abiquo CHANGELOG ========================= # 0.1.0 * Use OAuth to authenticate to the Abiquo API. * Enable cpu, memory, disk and interface plugins by default. * Initial release.

Foodcritic Metric

0.1.0 passed this metric