cookbook 'clonezillalive', '= 0.1.1'
clonezillalive (4) Versions 0.1.1 Follow0
Installs/Configures clonezillalive
cookbook 'clonezillalive', '= 0.1.1', :supermarket
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clonezillalive Cookbook
Deploy Clonezilla-Live for network-booting.
Clonezilla then allows to save and restore images of hard-disks.
If the image is for windows and prepared for example with sysprep, it can be
used to install several machines over and over again.
The development of this cookbook happens on debian wheezy (7.1), which makes
this the supported platform.
: For the booting -
: For the image store
node['clonezilla']['serverip'] = nil
If the server is reachable via two (or more) interfaces, use the given address
for the clients to boot from. If not given, node['ipaddress'] is used.
This recipe does nothing. Its there to play it safe if I want to add providers
and resources to this cookbook.
This recipe grabs the clonezilla live image and unpacks the files needed for
network-boot. Then it installs tftp and syslinux and configures pxe-booting for
the clonezilla image.
Standard opensource cookbook rules apply:
- Fork the repository on Github
- Create a named feature branch (like
) - Write you change
- <del>Write tests for your change (if applicable)</del>
- <del>Run the tests, ensuring they all pass</del>
- Submit a Pull Request using Github
License and Authors
Authors: Arnold Krille (for bcs kommunikationslösungen)
Dependent cookbooks
tftp >= 0.0.0 |
nfs >= 0.0.0 |
Contingent cookbooks
There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.