cookbook 'chef_software', '= 1.0.3'
chef_software (14) Versions 1.0.3 Follow3
Installs/Configures chef server, chef automate2, chef supermarket
cookbook 'chef_software', '= 1.0.3', :supermarket
knife supermarket install chef_software
knife supermarket download chef_software
This Cookbook wraps the chef-ingredient cookbook and will install and configure chef-server, chef-automatev2, and an internal chef-supermarket. Configuration is all attribute driven.
Please refer to the chef-ingredient cookbook for additional information on configuration options to add to the atribute hashes.
- Linux
default attributes
Attribute | Default | Comment |
['chef_software']['chef_server_api_fqdn'] | '' | (String) Hostname to connect to chef-server |
['chef_software']['chef_automate_api_fqdn'] | '' | (String) Hostname to connect to chef-automatev2 |
['chef_software']['chef_supermarket_api_fqdn'] | '' | (String) Hostname to connect to chef-supermarket |
['chef_software']['automate_admin_token'] | nil | (String) Token used for api access by cookbook |
['chef_software']['chef_automatev2'] | {accept_license: true, config: <<~EOC [global.v1] fqdn = "#{node['chef_software']['chef_automate_api_fqdn']}" EOC} | (Hash) Used to add configuration options to chef-automatev2 |
['chef_software']['chef_automatev2']['local_users'] | {test1:{ full_name: 'Test 1', password: 'Test1234!',},} | (Hash) Hash of hashes definign automatev2 users |
['chef_software']['chef_automatev2']['iam_policies'] | {team_ldap: {policy_json: {subjects: ['user:local:test1'], action: '', resource: '',},},} | (Hash) Hash of hashes defining automate IAM policies in json format |
['chef_software']['chef_server'] | {accept_license: true, addons: {'manage' => {accept_license: true,},}, config: <<~EOC api_fqdn "#{node['chef_software']['chef_server_api_fqdn']}" topology "standalone" #{"data_collector['root_url'] = 'https://#{node['chef_software']['chef_automate_api_fqdn']}/data-collector/v0/' data_collector['proxy'] = true profiles['root_url'] = 'https://#{node['chef_software']['chef_supermarket_api_fqdn']}'" if node['chef_software']['chef_automate_api_fqdn']} #{"oc_id['applications'] | |
['chef_software']['chef_user'] | {test1: {first_name: 'Test',last_name: '1',email: '',password: 'Test1234!',},} | (Hash) Hash of hashes used to manage chef-server users |
['chef_software']['chef_org'] | {testing: {org_full_name: 'Testing Chef Server', admins: %w(test1), users: %w(),},} | (Hash) Hash of hashes used to manage chef-server organizations |
['chef_software']['chef_supermarket'] | {chef_server_url: "https://#{node['chef_software']['chef_server_api_fqdn']}", chef_oauth2_app_id: 'testGUID', chef_oauth2_secret: 'testGUID', chef_oauth2_verify_ssl: false, accept_license: true, config: {fqdn: node['chef_software']['chef_supermarket_api_fqdn'], smtp_address: 'localhost', smtp_port: 25, from_email: '', features: 'tools,gravatar,github,announcement,fieri', fieri_key: 'randomstuff', fieri_supermarket_endpoint: node['chef_software']['chef_supermarket_api_fqdn'],},} | (Hash) Used to add configuration options to chef-supermarket |
default recipe
Recipe does nothing but log warning that it does nothing
Recipe to install chef-automatev2
Recipe to install chef-server and manage users & organizations
Recipe to install chef-supermarket
- Set attributes via wrapper cookbook, policy files, role or environment files.
- Build chef-automatev2 server first. Create an admin token and update
attribute. - Build chef-server second. Update
attribute with the correct settings found on the chef server at/etc/opscode/oc-id-applications/supermarket.json
- Build chef-supermarket third.
Dependent cookbooks
chef-ingredient >= 0.0.0 |
Contingent cookbooks
There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.
chef_software CHANGELOG
This file is used to list changes made in each version of the chef_software cookbook.
1.0.3 (2019-03-11)
- [Corey Hemminger] - Make description the same as long description
1.0.2 (2019-03-11)
- [Corey Hemminger] - Updated metadata description
1.0.1 (2019-01-14)
- [Corey Hemminger] - Updated readme and .kitchen.yml
1.0.0 (2018-12-21)
- [Corey Hemminger] - Initial Release
Collaborator Number Metric
1.0.3 failed this metric
Failure: Cookbook has 0 collaborators. A cookbook must have at least 2 collaborators to pass this metric.
Contributing File Metric
1.0.3 passed this metric
Foodcritic Metric
1.0.3 passed this metric
No Binaries Metric
1.0.3 passed this metric
Testing File Metric
1.0.3 passed this metric
Version Tag Metric
1.0.3 passed this metric
1.0.3 failed this metric
1.0.3 passed this metric
Foodcritic Metric
1.0.3 passed this metric
No Binaries Metric
1.0.3 passed this metric
Testing File Metric
1.0.3 passed this metric
Version Tag Metric
1.0.3 passed this metric
1.0.3 passed this metric
1.0.3 passed this metric
Testing File Metric
1.0.3 passed this metric
Version Tag Metric
1.0.3 passed this metric
1.0.3 passed this metric
1.0.3 passed this metric