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List of Adoptable Cookbooks

Supermarket Belongs to the Community

Supermarket belongs to the community. While Chef has the responsibility to keep it running and be stewards of its functionality, what it does and how it works is driven by the community. The chef/supermarket repository will continue to be where development of the Supermarket application takes place. Come be part of shaping the direction of Supermarket by opening issues and pull requests or by joining us on the Chef Mailing List.

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catalyst (7) Versions 0.0.4

catalyst application resource provider (LWRP)

cookbook 'catalyst', '= 0.0.4', :supermarket
cookbook 'catalyst', '= 0.0.4'
knife supermarket install catalyst
knife supermarket download catalyst
Quality -%


catalyst application resource provider (LWRP)

  • start your catalyst application as fastcgi server
  • configuration of apache is beyond the scope, but you may consider my apache cookbook


  • gentoo (tested with Calculate Linux Desktop 9.6)
  • ubuntu (tested with 11.10 server amd64)


  • This cookbook doesn't have direct dependencies on other cookbooks. But you have to be sure that the catalyst application you are going to run at least installed and tested.



Resources Actions

  • install - install catalyst application as fastcgi server

Resource Attributes

  • obligatory attrubutes
    • application_user - a user name that we should change to before starting application
    • application_group - a group name that we should change to before starting application
    • application_home - a dir where catalyst application resides
    • application_script - a name of script to start application, an absolute path to your application will be constructed with application_home/script/application_script
    • catalyst_config - a path to catalyst config file
  • optional attributes
    • start_service - true|false, whether to try to start application when configuring is done, default value true
    • perl5lib - an array of perl5lib pathes
    • nproc - Integer, a number of processes will be launched when application start in fastcgi mode, default value 1
    • envvars - a hash of environment vars, passed to application environment
    • proc_manager - a perl class, implimenting Fast CGI Process ProcManager, default FCGI::ProcManager
    • socket - a socket, application will be binded to


1. Create your catalyst application from the scratch

$ cd /tmp/ 
$ Foo
$ cd Foo
$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make
$ make test
$ make install

2. Deploy it as fast cgi server via catalyst cookbook

catalyst_application 'foo' do
    application_home '/tmp/Foo'
    application_script ''
    catalyst_config '/tmp/Foo/foo.conf'
    action 'install'

3. Now you have catalyst application running as fastcgi server

/etc/init.d/foo start
/etc/init.d/foo stop
/etc/init.d/foo restart



  • add support for more platforms
  • add more tests
  • add wikis and howtos

Dependent cookbooks

This cookbook has no specified dependencies.

Contingent cookbooks

catalyst-fastcgi Applicable Versions

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