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bash_history_timestamp (3) Versions 0.4.2

Adds timestamp to user bash history

cookbook 'bash_history_timestamp', '= 0.4.2', :supermarket
cookbook 'bash_history_timestamp', '= 0.4.2'
knife supermarket install bash_history_timestamp
knife supermarket download bash_history_timestamp
Quality 0%


This simple cookbook adds timestamp logging to specified users' bash history. By default, only the root user's history is configured. You can specify other users to be managed by Chef with similar histtimeformatting.

This project originated to provide some quick auditing of bash history if you have multiple users sudo'ing to root.


You can configure the way the timestamp is formatted in the attributes file. Default format is '%F %T ' which will format like 'YYYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss '.


Name Default Description
['bash_history_timestamp']['flags'] '%F %T ' Configure formatting of history output. man histtimeformat for more info.
['bash_history_timestamp']['bash_file'] '/root/.bashrc' Full path to bash file, typically .bashrc or .bash_profile
['bash_history_timestamp']['managed_users'] ['root']


There are kitchen tests associated with CentOS 6.5.

I've manually tested and verified this cookbook with other Linux distros.

Serverspec tests may fail because when running the spec it does not actually create a login shell. man bash for details. YMMV when running kitchen test with other vagrant boxes.


Allow overrides of user homes instead of only supporting /home/<username>

Dependent cookbooks

line ~> 0.6.1

Contingent cookbooks

There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.

Foodcritic Metric

0.4.2 failed this metric

FC031: Cookbook without metadata file: /tmp/cook/8aba0725582faa33ed20f70f/bash_history_timestamp/metadata.rb:1
FC045: Consider setting cookbook name in metadata: /tmp/cook/8aba0725582faa33ed20f70f/bash_history_timestamp/metadata.rb:1