cookbook 'arcgis-mission', '= 4.2.0'
arcgis-mission (9) Versions 4.2.0 Follow1
Installs/Configures ArcGIS Mission Server
cookbook 'arcgis-mission', '= 4.2.0', :supermarket
knife supermarket install arcgis-mission
knife supermarket download arcgis-mission
layout: default
title: "arcgis-mission cookbook"
category: cookbooks
item: arcgis-mission
version: 4.2.0
latest: true
arcgis-mission cookbook
This cookbook installs and configures ArcGIS Mission Server.
Supported ArcGIS Mission Server versions
- 10.8
- 10.8.1
- 10.9
- 10.9.1
- 11.0
- 11.1
- 11.2
Supported ArcGIS software
- ArcGIS Mission Server
- Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard and Datacenter
- Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard and Datacenter
- Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Standard and Datacenter
- Microsoft Windows Server 2022 Standard and Datacenter
- Ubuntu Server 18.04 and 20.04 LTS
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 8
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 15
- Oracle Linux 8
The following cookbooks are required:
- arcgis-enterprise
- arcgis-repository
= The ArcGIS Mission Server URL. Default URL ishttps://<FQDN of the machine>:20443
. -
= Name of the ArcGIS Web Adaptor used for the ArcGIS Mission Server site. Default name ismission
. -
= The URL of the Web Adaptor used for the ArcGIS Mission Server site. Default URL ishttps://<FQDN of the machine>/<Mission Server Web Adaptor name>
. -
= The ArcGIS Mission Server site domain name. Default domain is FQDN of the machine. -
= Private URL of the ArcGIS Mission Server site. Default URL ishttps://<FQDN of the machine>:20443/arcgis
. -
= Web Context URL of the ArcGIS Mission Server site. Default URL ishttps://<FQDN of the machine>/<Mission Server Web Adaptor name>
. -
= The ArcGIS Mission Server authorization file path. -
= The ArcGIS Mission Server authorization file version. Default value isnode['arcgis']['server']['authorization_file_version']
. -
= The ArcGIS Mission Server installation directory. By default, ArcGIS Mission Server is installed to%ProgramW6432%\ArcGIS\Mission
on Windows machines and to/home/arcgis
on Linux machines. -
= The root ArcGIS Mission Server site's server directory location. The default value isC:\arcgismissionserver\directories
on Windows and/<ArcGIS Mission Server install directory>/missionserver/usr/directories
on Linux. -
= The ArcGIS Mission Server configuration store type<FILESYSTEM|AMAZON|AZURE>
. Default value isFILESYSTEM
. -
= The configuration store location for the ArcGIS Mission Server site. By default, the configuration store is created in the local directoryC:\arcgismissionserver\config-store
on Windows and/<install directory>/usr/config-store
on Linux. -
= The ArcGIS Mission Server configuration store persistence class name. Default value iscom.esri.arcgis.carbon.persistence.impl.filesystem.FSConfigPersistence
. -
= ArcGIS Mission Server log level. Default value isWARNING
. -
= ArcGIS Mission Server log directory. Default value isC:\arcgismissionserver\logs
on Windows and/<install directory>/usr/logs
on Linux. -
= ArcGIS Mission Server maximum log file age. Default value is90
. -
= Path to the ArcGIS Mission Server setup archive. Default value depends onnode['arcgis']['version']
attribute value. -
= The location of the ArcGIS Mission Server setup executable. Default location is%USERPROFILE%\Documents\ArcGIS11.2\MissionServer\Setup.exe
on Windows and/opt/arcgis/11.2/MissionServer/Setup
on Linux. -
= If set to true, on Linux the Mission Server is configured to start with the operating system. Default value istrue
. -
= Primary ArcGIS Mission Server administrator user name. Default user name issiteadmin
. -
= Primary ArcGIS Mission Server administrator password. Default value isnil
. -
= The URL of the existing ArcGIS Mission Server site to join, in the format
. Default URLnil
. -
= Enable system-level configuration for ArcGIS Mission Server. Default value istrue
. -
= Ports to open for ArcGIS Mission Servier in the Windows firewall. Default is20443,20301,20160
. -
= ArcGIS Mission Server system properties. Default value is{}
. -
= Host name or IP address of the ArcGIS Mission Server machine. Default value is''
. -
= File names of ArcGIS Mission Server patches to install. Default value is[]
Calls arcgis-mission::server recipe.
Federates ArcGIS Mission Server with Portal for ArcGIS and enables the Mission Server role.
Attributes used by the recipe:
{ "arcgis": { "portal": { "private_url": "", "admin_username": "admin", "admin_password": "<password>", "root_cert": "", "root_cert_alias": "" }, "mission_server": { "web_context_url": "", "private_url": "", "admin_username": "siteadmin", "admin_password": "<password>" } }, "run_list": [ "recipe[arcgis-mission::federation]" ] }
Installs ArcGIS Mission Server.
Attributes used by the recipe:
{ "arcgis": { "version": "11.2", "run_as_user": "arcgis", "mission_server": { "setup_archive": "/opt/software/esri/ArcGIS_Mission_Server_Linux_110_183045.tar.gz", "authorization_file": "/opt/software/esri/missionserver.prvc", "install_dir": "/home/arcgis", "server_directories_root": "/home/arcgis/mission/usr/directories", "config_store_connection_string": "/home/arcgis/mission/usr/directories/config-store", "configure_autostart": true, "install_system_requirements": true } }, "run_list": [ "recipe[arcgis-mission::install_server]" ] }
Installs ArcGIS Web Adaptor for ArcGIS Mission Server.
Attributes used by the recipe:
{ "arcgis": { "version": "11.2", "run_as_user": "arcgis", "web_server": { "webapp_dir": "/opt/tomcat_arcgis/webapps" }, "web_adaptor": { "install_dir": "/", "setup_archive": "/opt/software/esri/ArcGIS_Web_Adaptor_Java_Linux_110_%%BUILDNUM.tar.gz" }, "mission_server": { "wa_name": "mission" } }, "run_list": [ "recipe[arcgis-mission::install_server_wa]" ] }
Installs patches for ArcGIS Mission Server. The recipe installs patches from the patches folder specified by the arcgis.mission_server.patches attribute. The patch names may contain a wildcard '*'. For example, "ArcGIS-1091-*.msp" specifies all .msp patches that start with "ArcGIS-1091-".
Attributes used by the recipe:
{ "arcgis" : { "repository" : { "patches" : "%USERPROFILE%\\Software\\Esri\\patches" }, "mission_server": { "patches": ["patch1.msp", "patch2.msp"] } }, "run_list": [ "recipe[arcgis-mission::install_patches]" ] }
Installs and configures ArcGIS Mission Server.
Attributes used by the recipe:
{ "arcgis": { "version": "11.2", "run_as_user": "arcgis", "mission_server": { "setup_archive": "/opt/software/esri/ArcGIS_Mission_Server_Linux_110_183045.tar.gz", "authorization_file": "/opt/software/esri/missionserver.prvc", "admin_username": "siteadmin", "admin_password": "<password>", "install_dir": "/home/arcgis", "directories_root": "/home/arcgis/mission/usr/directories", "config_store_connection_string": "/home/arcgis/mission/usr/config-store", "config_store_type": "FILESYSTEM", "configure_autostart": true, "install_system_requirements": true, "log_dir": "/home/arcgis/mission/usr/logs", "log_level": "WARNING", "max_log_file_age": "90", "system_properties": { } } }, "run_list": [ "recipe[arcgis-mission::server]" ] }
Joins additional machines to an ArcGIS Mission Server site.
Attributes used by the recipe:
{ "arcgis": { "version": "11.2", "run_as_user": "arcgis", "mission_server": { "setup_archive": "/opt/software/esri/ArcGIS_Mission_Server_Linux_110_183045.tar.gz", "authorization_file": "/opt/software/esri/missionserver.prvc", "admin_username": "siteadmin", "admin_password": "<password>", "install_dir": "/home/arcgis", "primary_server_url": "https://primary:20443/arcgis", "configure_autostart": true, "install_system_requirements": true, "log_dir": "/home/arcgis/mission/usr/logs" } }, "run_list": [ "recipe[arcgis-mission::server_node]" ] }
Installs and configures ArcGIS Web Adaptor for ArcGIS Mission Server.
Attributes used by the recipe:
{ "arcgis": { "version": "11.2", "run_as_user": "arcgis", "web_server": { "webapp_dir": "/opt/tomcat_arcgis/webapps" }, "web_adaptor": { "install_dir": "/", "setup_archive": "/opt/software/esri/ArcGIS_Web_Adaptor_Java_Linux_110_182987.tar.gz" }, "mission_server": { "url": "https://hostname:20443", "wa_name": "mission", "wa_url": "https://hostname/mission", "admin_username": "siteadmin", "admin_password": "<password>" } }, "run_list": [ "recipe[arcgis-mission::server_wa]" ] }
Uninstalls ArcGIS Mission Server.
Attributes used by the recipe:
{ "arcgis": { "version": "11.2", "run_as_user": "arcgis", "mission_server": { "install_dir": "/home/arcgis" } }, "run_list": [ "recipe[arcgis-mission::uninstall_server]" ] }
Uninstalls ArcGIS Web Adaptor for ArcGIS Mission Server.
Attributes used by the recipe:
{ "arcgis": { "version": "11.2", "run_as_user": "arcgis", "web_server": { "webapp_dir": "/opt/tomcat_arcgis/webapps" }, "web_adaptor": { "install_dir": "/" }, "mission_server": { "wa_name": "mission" } }, "run_list": [ "recipe[arcgis-mission::uninstall_server_wa]" ] }
Unregisters all ArcGIS Web Adaptors from ArcGIS Mission Server Site.
Attributes used by the recipe:
{ "arcgis": { "mission_server": { "url": "https://hostname:20443/arcgis", "admin_username": "siteadmin", "admin_password": "<password>" } }, "run_list": [ "recipe[arcgis-mission::unregister_server_wa]" ] }
Dependent cookbooks
arcgis-enterprise ~> 4.2 |
arcgis-repository ~> 4.2 |
Contingent cookbooks
There are no cookbooks that are contingent upon this one.
Collaborator Number Metric
4.2.0 failed this metric
Failure: Cookbook has 0 collaborators. A cookbook must have at least 2 collaborators to pass this metric.
Contributing File Metric
4.2.0 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Cookstyle Metric
4.2.0 failed this metric
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/UseInlineResourcesDefined: use_inline_resources is now the default for resources in Chef Infra Client 13+ and does not need to be specified. ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 53
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 24
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 25
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 26
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 27
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 28
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 29
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 30
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 31
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 32
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 33
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 34
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 35
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 36
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 37
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 38
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 39
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 40
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 41
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 42
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 43
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 44
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 45
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 46
Chef/Modernize/DefaultActionFromInitialize: The default action of a resource can be set with the "default_action" helper instead of using the initialize method. ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 50
Chef/Modernize/RespondToInMetadata: It is no longer necessary to use respond_to? or defined? in metadata.rb in Chef Infra Client 12.15 and later ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 8
Chef/Modernize/RespondToInMetadata: It is no longer necessary to use respond_to? or defined? in metadata.rb in Chef Infra Client 12.15 and later ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 34
Chef/Modernize/RespondToInMetadata: It is no longer necessary to use respond_to? or defined? in metadata.rb in Chef Infra Client 12.15 and later ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 35
Chef/Modernize/UseChefLanguageSystemdHelper: Chef Infra Client 15.5 and later include a `systemd?` helper for checking if a Linux system uses systemd. ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 253
Chef/RedundantCode/CustomResourceWithAllowedActions: It is not necessary to set `actions` or `allowed_actions` in custom resources as Chef Infra Client determines these automatically from the set of all actions defined in the resource ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 20
Chef/RedundantCode/LongDescriptionMetadata: The long_description metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 6
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 20
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 21
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 22
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 23
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 24
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 25
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 26
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 27
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 28
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 29
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 30
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 31
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 32
Run with Cookstyle Version 7.32.1 with cops Chef/Deprecations,Chef/Correctness,Chef/Sharing,Chef/RedundantCode,Chef/Modernize,Chef/Security,InSpec/Deprecations
No Binaries Metric
4.2.0 passed this metric
Testing File Metric
4.2.0 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Version Tag Metric
4.2.0 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number
4.2.0 failed this metric
4.2.0 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Cookstyle Metric
4.2.0 failed this metric
Chef/Deprecations/ResourceWithoutUnifiedTrue: Set `unified_mode true` in Chef Infra Client 15.3+ custom resources to ensure they work correctly in Chef Infra Client 18 (April 2022) when Unified Mode becomes the default. ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 1
Chef/Deprecations/UseInlineResourcesDefined: use_inline_resources is now the default for resources in Chef Infra Client 13+ and does not need to be specified. ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 53
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 24
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 25
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 26
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 27
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 28
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 29
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 30
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 31
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 32
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 33
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 34
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 35
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 36
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 37
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 38
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 39
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 40
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 41
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 42
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 43
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 44
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 45
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 46
Chef/Modernize/DefaultActionFromInitialize: The default action of a resource can be set with the "default_action" helper instead of using the initialize method. ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 50
Chef/Modernize/RespondToInMetadata: It is no longer necessary to use respond_to? or defined? in metadata.rb in Chef Infra Client 12.15 and later ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 8
Chef/Modernize/RespondToInMetadata: It is no longer necessary to use respond_to? or defined? in metadata.rb in Chef Infra Client 12.15 and later ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 34
Chef/Modernize/RespondToInMetadata: It is no longer necessary to use respond_to? or defined? in metadata.rb in Chef Infra Client 12.15 and later ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 35
Chef/Modernize/UseChefLanguageSystemdHelper: Chef Infra Client 15.5 and later include a `systemd?` helper for checking if a Linux system uses systemd. ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 253
Chef/RedundantCode/CustomResourceWithAllowedActions: It is not necessary to set `actions` or `allowed_actions` in custom resources as Chef Infra Client determines these automatically from the set of all actions defined in the resource ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 20
Chef/RedundantCode/LongDescriptionMetadata: The long_description metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 6
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 20
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 21
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 22
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 23
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 24
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 25
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 26
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 27
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 28
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 29
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 30
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 31
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 32
Run with Cookstyle Version 7.32.1 with cops Chef/Deprecations,Chef/Correctness,Chef/Sharing,Chef/RedundantCode,Chef/Modernize,Chef/Security,InSpec/Deprecations
No Binaries Metric
4.2.0 passed this metric
Testing File Metric
4.2.0 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Version Tag Metric
4.2.0 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number
4.2.0 failed this metric
Chef/Deprecations/UseInlineResourcesDefined: use_inline_resources is now the default for resources in Chef Infra Client 13+ and does not need to be specified. ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 53
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 24
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 25
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 26
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 27
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 28
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 29
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 30
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 31
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 32
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 33
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 34
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 35
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 36
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 37
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 38
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 39
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 40
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 41
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 42
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 43
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 44
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 45
Chef/Modernize/CustomResourceWithAttributes: Custom Resources should contain properties not attributes ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 46
Chef/Modernize/DefaultActionFromInitialize: The default action of a resource can be set with the "default_action" helper instead of using the initialize method. ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 50
Chef/Modernize/RespondToInMetadata: It is no longer necessary to use respond_to? or defined? in metadata.rb in Chef Infra Client 12.15 and later ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 8
Chef/Modernize/RespondToInMetadata: It is no longer necessary to use respond_to? or defined? in metadata.rb in Chef Infra Client 12.15 and later ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 34
Chef/Modernize/RespondToInMetadata: It is no longer necessary to use respond_to? or defined? in metadata.rb in Chef Infra Client 12.15 and later ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 35
Chef/Modernize/UseChefLanguageSystemdHelper: Chef Infra Client 15.5 and later include a `systemd?` helper for checking if a Linux system uses systemd. ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 253
Chef/RedundantCode/CustomResourceWithAllowedActions: It is not necessary to set `actions` or `allowed_actions` in custom resources as Chef Infra Client determines these automatically from the set of all actions defined in the resource ( arcgis-mission/resources/server.rb: 20
Chef/RedundantCode/LongDescriptionMetadata: The long_description metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 6
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 20
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 21
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 22
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 23
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 24
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 25
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 26
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 27
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 28
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 29
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 30
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 31
Chef/RedundantCode/RecipeMetadata: The recipe metadata.rb method is not used and is unnecessary in cookbooks. Recipes should be documented in the cookbook's file instead. ( arcgis-mission/metadata.rb: 32
Run with Cookstyle Version 7.32.1 with cops Chef/Deprecations,Chef/Correctness,Chef/Sharing,Chef/RedundantCode,Chef/Modernize,Chef/Security,InSpec/Deprecations
4.2.0 passed this metric
Testing File Metric
4.2.0 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file
Version Tag Metric
4.2.0 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number
4.2.0 failed this metric
4.2.0 failed this metric
Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number