A workflow plugin to help many devs work with cookbooks and environments at once
A preflight plugin for Knife which lets you see which nodes and roles use a particular cookbook before you upload it.
A knife plugin to move a node, or all nodes in a role, to a specific environment
Knife Runlist Compare is is a Knife plugin which allows you, as the name suggests, to compare two Chef run_lists. It takes each run_list it is given, expands them into the list of recipes which would be executed on a node, and produces a diff of the differences between those recipe lists.
A plugin for Knife which lets you move all nodes in one environment into another.
Knife command for Apache CloudStack / Citrix CloudPlatform IaaS Clouds.
This is a knife plugin to help create and maintain a README.md for a cookbook. As much as possible the plugin makes use of the same metadata as used by chef when generating the documentation. The plugin will also scan the source files for annotations present in comments. Users can also add fragments of markdown into the doc/ directory to merge into the generated README.md file.
The goal is to keep the code as the authoritative source of information. The hope is that keeping the documentation close to the code will help to maintain it's currency.
A knife plugin that allows you to tag nodes in bulk using simple search queries
A knife plugin to create and update topologies consisting of multiple nodes.
Provision servers with the RightScale platform using knife. It is expected that you already have a Chef Server running or are using a hosted Chef solution from OpsCode.
For a demo/tutorial see [blog post](http://bit.ly/ZDoMqJ).
A plugin for Chef::Knife which displays node metadata about the last chef run.
A plugin for Chef::Knife which will diff the cookbook versions of two or more environments.
A knife plugin to create, delete, and enumerate Windows Azure resources to be managed by Chef.
Knife plugin for Chef to draw dependency graphs for roles that have become spaghetti.
Knife Plugin for Atlassian Stash
Knife Plugin for Cisco ASA Devices
Knife Plugin for Red Hat Network (RHN)
Manipulate Chef attributes via Knife
Knife Plug-in to print a chart of all cookbooks and the version constraints contained in each environment.
Also highlights which cookbook versions are frozen, which constraints are 'behind' the latest version, and if any constraints are obsolete (i.e. cookbook does not exist).
Out put can be either to the console, or in html format.