uyuni-inspec Compliance Profile
InSpec profile for verifying Uyuni installations
Install & Usage Instructions
Uyuni InSpec Profile
This profile verifies an Uyuni installation.
Currently, only openSUSE 42.3 is supported - additional distributions will follow once Uyuni supports them.
The following things are checked:
- Updated system
- Uyuni repository and required software packages
- Application ports (80, 443, 5222, 5269, 4505, 4506, 5432)
- Database deployment
- SUSE-related installation files
- Initial Uyuni organization and user
λ kitchen verify
Profile: InSpec Profile for Uyuni (uyuni)
[PASS] app-01: Web server running
[PASS] Port 80 should be listening
[PASS] Port 443 should be listening
[PASS] app-02: Jabber running
[PASS] Port 5222 should be listening
[PASS] Port 5269 should be listening
[PASS] app-03: Salt running
[PASS] Port 4505 should be listening
[PASS] Port 4506 should be listening
[PASS] app-04: PostgreSQL running
[PASS] Port 5432 should be listening
[PASS] app-05: Uyuni database deployed
[PASS] File /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf content should include "uyuni"
[PASS] app-06: Installation files
[PASS] File /root/ should not exist
[PASS] File /root/.MANAGER_SETUP_COMPLETE should exist
[PASS] app-07: Initial content created
[PASS] uyuni users should include "vagrant"
[PASS] uyuni orgs should include "Vagrant"
[PASS] pkg-01: System up2date
[PASS] Command: `LANG=C zypper lu` stdout should include "No updates found"
[PASS] pkg-02: Uyuni repository exists
[PASS] Command: `LANG=C zypper lr` stdout should include "uyuni-server-stable"
[PASS] pkg-03: Uyuni packages installed
[PASS] System Package patterns-uyuni_server should be installed
Profile Summary: 10 successful controls, 0 control failures, 0 controls skipped
Test Summary: 16 successful, 0 failures, 0 skipped