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knife-digital_ocean Knife Plugin

Knife plugin to manage/bootstrap DigitalOcean cloud instances. Supports chef-server and knife-solo bootstrapping.

Install & Usage Instructions


A knife plugin to deal with the Cloud services.

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This is a plugin for Chef's knife tool. It allows you to bootstrap virtual machines with including the initial bootstrapping of chef on that system.
You can also use knife-solo for chef bootstrapping or skip it altogether for another solution.

This knife plugin uses the droplet_kit rubygem.


➜ gem install knife-digital_ocean


This plugin provides the following sub-commands:

  • knife digital_ocean droplet create (options)

    Creates a virtual machine with or without bootstrapping chef

  • knife digital_ocean droplet destroy (options)

    Destroys the virtual machine and its data

  • knife digital_ocean droplet list (options)

    Lists currently running virtual machines

  • knife digital_ocean droplet power (options)

    Turn a droplet On/Off

  • knife digital_ocean droplet powercycle (options)

    Powercycle a Droplet

  • knife digital_ocean droplet reboot (options)

    Reboot a Droplet

  • knife digital_ocean droplet snapshot (options)

    Take a snapshot of a Droplet

  • knife digital_ocean droplet rename (options)

    Rename a Droplet

  • knife digital_ocean droplet rebuild (options)

    Rebuild a Droplet

  • knife digital_ocean droplet resize (options)

    Resize a Droplet

  • knife digital_ocean image destroy (options)

    Destroy your private images

  • knife digital_ocean image list (options)

    Lists available images (snapshots, backups, OS-images)

  • knife digital_ocean image transfer (options)

    Transfer a image to another region

  • knife digital_ocean region list (options)

    Lists the server regions/locations/data-center

  • knife digital_ocean size list (options)

    Lists the available server sizes

  • knife digital_ocean domain create (options)

    Creates a domain name

  • knife digital_ocean domain destroy (options)

    Destroys a domain name

  • knife digital_ocean domain list (options)

    Lists your domains added to Digital Ocean

  • knife digital_ocean domain record create (options)

    Creates a record for an existing domain

  • knife digital_ocean domain record destroy (options)

    Destroys a record for an existing domain

  • knife digital_ocean domain record list (options)

    Lists records for an existing domain

  • knife digital_ocean sshkey create (options)

    Creates a ssh key for use on digital ocean

  • knife digital_ocean sshkey destroy (options)

    Destroys the ssh key

  • knife digital_ocean sshkey list (options)

    Lists name + id of the uploaded known ssh keys

  • knife digital_ocean account info (options)

    Shows account information


The best way is to put your API-credentials of DigitalOcean in your knife.rb file of choice (e.g. in ~/.chef/knife.rb):

knife[:digital_ocean_access_token]   = 'YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY'


Create a Droplet

There are three different ways of creating a server/droplet instance:

If you just want to launch an instance
form the command line without any bootstrapping, go for option C.
If you use knife-solo try B and if you are a chef-server-fan
use method A:

A. With bootstrapping in an chef-server environment:


➜ knife digital_ocean droplet create --server-name \
                                      --image debian-7-0-x64 \
                                      --location nyc3 \
                                      --size 1gb \
                                      --ssh-keys 1234,1235 \
                                      --ssh-port 22
➜ knife digital_ocean droplet create --server-name \
                                      --image debian-7.0-x64 \
                                      --location sfo1 \
                                      --size 512mb \
                                      --ssh-keys 1234,1235 \
                                      --bootstrap \
                                      --bootstrap-version 11.16.4-1
                                      --run-list "role[base],role[webserver]" \
                                      --secret-file "/home/user/.ssh/secret_file" \
                                      --ssh-port 22 \
                                      --identity-file "~/.ssh/id_rsa" \


➜ knife digital_ocean droplet create --server-name <FQDN> \
                                      --image <IMAGE SLUG> \
                                      --location <REGION SLUG> \
                                      --size <SIZE SLUG> \
                                      --ssh-keys <SSH KEY-ID(s), comma-separated> \
                                      --ssh-port <SSH PORT> \
                                      --bootstrap \
                                      --bootstrap-version <VERSION NUMBER>
                                      --run-list "<RUNLIST>" \
                                      --secret-file "<FILENAME>" \

Short Syntax

➜ knife digital_ocean droplet create -N <FQDN> \
                                      -I <IMAGE SLUG> \
                                      -L <REGION SLUG> \
                                      -S <SIZE SLUG> \
                                      -K <SSH KEY-ID(s), comma-separated> \
                                      -p <SSH PORT> \
                                      -B \
                                      -r "<RUNLIST>"

B. With knife-solo bootstrapping

You need to have knife-solo gem installed.

This will create a droplet and run knife solo bootstrap <IP> equivalent for it.
Please consult the knife-solo documentation for further details.


➜ knife digital_ocean droplet create --server-name \
                                      --image debian-7-0-x64 \
                                      --location lon1 \
                                      --size 2gb \
                                      --ssh-keys 1234,4567 \
                                      --run-list "<RUNLIST>" \

C. With your custom external bootstrapping script or without chef at all

This will just create a droplet and return its IP-address. Nothing else. You can now run your custom solution to provision the droplet.


➜ knife digital_ocean droplet create --server-name \
                                      --image debian-7-0-x64 \
                                      --location lon1 \
                                      --size 2gb \
                                      --ssh-keys 1234,4567

List running droplets (servers)

➜ knife digital_ocean droplet list
ID     Name                  Size   Region       IPv4            Image                            Status
12345  1gb    Amsterdam 1  25306 (Ubuntu 12.10 x32 Server)  active
23456   512mb  Amsterdam 1  25306 (Ubuntu 12.10 x32 Server)  active

!WARNING! Destroy a droplet (server) including all of its data!

Destroy droplet by id

➜ knife digital_ocean droplet destroy -S 23456

Destroy all droplets

➜ knife digital_ocean droplet destroy --all
Delete droplet with id: 1824315
Delete droplet with id: 1824316
Delete droplet with id: 1824317

Reboot A Droplet

➜ knife digital_ocean droplet reboot -I 1824315

Turn Power On/Off

➜ knife digital_ocean power -I 1824315 -A on
➜ knife digital_ocean power -I 1824315 -A off

Powercycle A Droplet

➜ knife digital_ocean powercycle -I 1824315

Rebuild A Droplet

➜ knife digital_ocean rebuild --droplet-id 1824315 --image-id 65420

Rename A Droplet

➜ knife digital_ocean rename -I 1824315 -N ''

Resize A Droplet

➜ knife digital_ocean rename -I 1824315 -s 1gb

Resize A Droplet

➜ knife digital_ocean snapshot -I 1824315 -N 'my-super-awesome-snapshot'

List regions

➜ knife digital_ocean region list
Name             Slug
New York 1       nyc1
Amsterdam 1      ams1
San Francisco 1  sfo1
New York 2       nyc2
Amsterdam 2      ams2
Singapore 1      sgp1
London 1         lon1
New York 3       nyc3
Amsterdam 3      ams3

List sizes (instance types)

➜ knife digital_ocean size list

List images

Custom images (snapshots, backups) (default)

➜ knife digital_ocean image list
ID     Distribution  Name
11111  Ubuntu 2013-02-01
11112  Ubuntu 2013-02-03
11113  Ubuntu        init

Public images (OS)

➜ knife digital_ocean image list --public
ID       Distribution  Name                                      Slug
6376601  Ubuntu        Ruby on Rails on 14.04 (Nginx + Unicorn)  ruby-on-rail
6423475  Ubuntu        WordPress on 14.04                        wordpress
6732690  Ubuntu        LEMP on 14.04                             lemp
6732691  Ubuntu        LAMP on 14.04                             lamp
6734341  Ubuntu        node-v0.10.32 on 14.04                    node
6734697  Ubuntu        Django on 14.04                           django
6738037  Ubuntu        Dokku v0.2.3 on 14.04 (w/ Docker 1.2.0)   dokku
6798184  Ubuntu        MEAN on 14.04                             mean
6854006  Ubuntu        Drupal 7.32 on 14.04                      drupal
6884371  Ubuntu        Magento on 14.04                  magento
7284647  Ubuntu        Ghost 0.5.3 on 14.04                      ghost
7354580  Ubuntu        Docker 1.3.1 on 14.04                     docker
7518201  Ubuntu        GitLab 7.4.3 CE on 14.04                  gitlab
7572830  Ubuntu        Redmine on 14.04                          redmine
6370882  Fedora        20 x64                                    fedora-20-x6
6370885  Fedora        20 x32                                    fedora-20-x3
6370968  Fedora        19 x64                                    fedora-19-x6
6370969  Fedora        19 x32                                    fedora-19-x3
6372105  CentOS        6.5 x32                                   centos-6-5-x
6372108  CentOS        6.5 x64                                   centos-6-5-x
6372321  CentOS        5.10 x64                                  centos-5-8-x
6372425  CentOS        5.10 x32                                  centos-5-8-x
6372526  Debian        7.0 x64                                   debian-7-0-x
6372528  Debian        7.0 x32                                   debian-7-0-x
6372581  Debian        6.0 x64                                   debian-6-0-x
6372662  Debian        6.0 x32                                   debian-6-0-x
6374124  Ubuntu        10.04 x64                                 ubuntu-10-04
6374125  Ubuntu        10.04 x32                                 ubuntu-10-04
6374128  Ubuntu        12.04.5 x64                               ubuntu-12-04
6374130  Ubuntu        12.04.5 x32                               ubuntu-12-04
6882384  CoreOS        444.5.0 (beta)                            coreos-beta
6886342  CoreOS        444.5.0 (stable)                          coreos-stabl
6918735  Ubuntu        14.04 x32                                 ubuntu-14-04
6918990  Ubuntu        14.04 x64                                 ubuntu-14-04
7053293  CentOS        7.0 x64                                   centos-7-0-x
7111343  Ubuntu        14.10 x64                                 ubuntu-14-10
7111572  Ubuntu        14.10 x32                                 ubuntu-14-10
7556046  CoreOS        CoreOS (alpha) 490.0.0                    coreos-alpha

Destroy Private Images

➜ knife digital_ocean image destroy -I 11112

Transfer Private Images to Another Region

➜ knife digital_ocean image destroy -I 11112 -R ams1

SSH keys

List SSH keys

➜ knife digital_ocean sshkey list
ID    Name    Fingerprint
1234  Alice   e0:1a:1b:30:7f:bd:b2:cf:f2:4f:3b:35:3c:87:46:1c
1235  Bob     b0:ca:40:36:7f:bd:b2:cf:f2:4f:2b:45:3c:28:41:5f
1236  Chuck   g0:da:3e:15:7f:bd:b2:cf:f2:4f:3a:26:3c:34:52:2b
1237  Craig   f0:fa:2b:22:7f:bd:b2:cf:f2:4f:4c:18:3c:66:54:1c

Create a SSH key

➜ knife digital_ocean sshkey create -i ~/.ssh/ -n Bob

Destroy a SSH key

➜ knife digital_ocean sshkey destroy -i 1236


Create a domain

➜ knife digital_ocean domain create -N -I

Destroy a domain

➜ knife digital_ocean domain destroy -D

List domains

➜ knife digital_ocean domain list
Name         TTL  1800

Create a domain record

➜ knife digital_ocean domain create -D -T cname -N www -a @

Destroy a domain record

➜ knife digital_ocean domain destroy -D -R 3355880

List domain records

➜ knife digital_ocean domain record list -D
ID       Type  Name  Data
3355877  NS    @
3355878  NS    @
3355879  NS    @
3355880  A     @

Account Info

➜ knife digital_ocean account info
UUID                                      Email           Droplet Limit  Email Verified
58e2e737d3b7407b042aa7f99f4da4229166f2a1 10             true


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


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Apache 2.0 (like Chef itself), see LICENSE.txt file.

Copyright © 2014 Roland Moriz, Moriz GmbH

Copyright © 2014 Greg Fitzgerald