A convenient Chef LWRP to manage user accounts and SSH keys (this is not the opscode users cookbook)
cookbook 'user', '~> 0.7.0'
Upgrades chef-client to specified releases
cookbook 'chef_client_updater', '~> 3.12.3'
Application cookbook which installs and configures Consul.
cookbook 'consul', '~> 5.6.7'
Installs and configures openvpn and includes rake tasks for managing certs.
cookbook 'openvpn', '~> 7.0.23'
Installs/Configures gitlab
cookbook 'gitlab', '~> 7.7.1'
A Chef cookbook for deploying Python application code.
cookbook 'application_python', '~> 4.0.0'
Installs and configures OpenLDAP (slapd) an open source implementation of LDAP.
cookbook 'openldap', '~> 6.1.5'
System Accounts management
cookbook 'accounts', '~> 0.2.1'
Installs/Configures Hadoop (HDFS/YARN/MRv2), HBase, Hive, Flume, Oozie, Pig, Spark, Storm, Tez, and ZooKeeper
cookbook 'hadoop', '~> 2.14.0'
Provides line editing resources for use by recipes
cookbook 'line', '~> 4.5.21'
Installs Apache Maven includes a resource for installing artifacts from maven
cookbook 'maven', '~> 6.0.11'
Installs and configures NFS, and NFS exports
cookbook 'nfs', '~> 5.1.5'
Installs/Configures MariaDB
cookbook 'mariadb', '~> 6.2.0'
Installs erlang, optionally install GUI tools.
cookbook 'erlang', '~> 8.1.27'
Installs and manages Logical Volume Manager
cookbook 'lvm', '~> 6.2.1'
Installs/Configures Oracle rdbms and client on CentOS 6.5
cookbook 'oracle', '~> 1.2.2'
Installs perl and provides a resource for maintaining CPAN modules
cookbook 'perl', '~> 8.0.19'
Manages the ruby-build framework and its installed rubies. A LWRP is also defined.
cookbook 'ruby_build', '~> 2.5.10'
A Chef cookbook for managing Python installations.
cookbook 'poise-python', '~> 1.7.0'
Installs Passenger for Apache2
cookbook 'passenger_apache2', '~> 4.0.15'