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volumes (1) Versions 3.0.4

Mounts volumes as directed by node metadata. Can attach external cloud drives, such as ebs volumes.

cookbook 'volumes', '~> 3.0.4', :supermarket
cookbook 'volumes', '~> 3.0.4'
knife supermarket install volumes
knife supermarket download volumes
Quality 17%

volumes chef cookbook

Mounts volumes as directed by node metadata. Can attach external cloud drives, such as ebs volumes.


This is a set of simple helpers for assigning components their locations on disk according to these common use cases:

  • standard directories: configuration, logs, lib files, etc. These are all the same, or should be.
  • directory is not a standard pattern, but follows conventions that let us configure it from node metadata.
  • directory prefers to be on the fastest-available drive, or a dedicated drive, or one that is persisted over the network.


Most directories are standard and boring: conf_dirs go in /etc/foo and are root:root 755; log_dirs go in /var/log/foo and are {user}:{group} 755, and so forth. These DRY right up using the standard_dirs helper:

    standard_dirs('lolcat.generator') do
      directories   [:conf_dir, :log_dir, :pid_dir]

This doesn't just save keystrokes, it saves pager calls: the recipe is simpler to read (and thus maintain); it ensures the node metadata completely documents the state of the machine; and it wards off common pitfalls like "configuration dirs owned by the daemon user".

Standard directories don't have to be completely devoid of individual character:

    standard_dirs('lolcat.generator') do
      directories   [:conf_dir, :html_cache_dir, :img_cache_dir, :log_dir, :pid_dir]

Both the html_cache and rendered_cache directories will follow cache directory conventions.


If you can't be boring, you should at least be tastefully decorated. Suppose your lolcat cookbook needs a 'caturday' directory (owned by the lolcat process, mode 0770) and a 'bukkit' directory (permissions root:root 755):

    extra_dir(lolcat.generator.caturday_dir') do
      user          :user
      group         :group


The extra_dir helper pulls its settings from the conventional node metadata (node[:lolcat][:user] node[:lolcat][:generator][:caturday_dir] and so forth), and falls back to conservative defaults.


Lastly, some directory assignments -- typically the ones that relate to the machine's core purpose -- are opinionated guests.

When my grandmother comes to visit, she quite reasonably asks for a room with a comfortable bed and a short climb. At my apartment, she stays in the main bedroom and I use the couch. At my brother's house, she enjoys the downstairs guest room. If Ggrandmom instead demanded 'the master bedroom on the first floor', she'd find herself in the parking garage at my apartment, and uninvited from returning to visit my brother's house.

Similarly, the well-mannered cookbook does not hard-code a large data directory onto the root partition. Typically that's the private domain of the operating system, and there's a large and comfortably-appointed volume just for it to use. On the other hand, declaring a location of /mnt/external2 will end in tears if I'm testing the cookbook on my laptop, where no such drive exists.

The solution is to request for volumes by their characteristics, and defer to the node's best effort in meeting that request.

    # Data striped across all persistent dirs
    volume_dirs('') do
      type          :persistent, :bulk, :fallback
      selects       :all
      mode          "0700"

    # Scratch space for indexing, striped across all scratch dirs
    volume_dirs('foo.indexer.scratch') do
      type          :local, :bulk, :fallback
      selects       :all
      mode          "0755"

These are commonly-used volume characteristic tags:

  • fast: the 'fastest' volume available: on one machine this might be a dedicated SD drive or even a RAM drive; on another it might be the hey-its-the-only-drive-I-got drive.
  • bulk: large storage area, preferably one that does not compete with the OS for space or access.
  • local: low-latency / direct access.
  • persistent: storage that survives independently of its host machine
  • fallback: states it's safe to use a general-purpose volume if no better match is present.

All of the above are positive rules: a volume is only :fast if it is labeled :fast. They are also passive rules: the cookbook makes no attempt to decide that say flash drives are :fast (it might be the SD card from my camera) or that a large drive is :bulk (it might be full, or read-only).

The fallback tag has additional rules:
* if any volumes are tagged fallback, return the full set of fallbacks;
* otherwise, raise an error.


  • Web server: in production, database lives on one volume, logs are written to another. On a cheaper test server, just
    put them whereever.

  • Isolate different apps, each on their own volume

  • Hadoop has the following mountable volume concerns:

    • Namenode metadata -- must be persistent. Physical clusters typically mirror to one NFS and two local volumes.
    • Datanode blocks -- typically persistent. In a cloud environment, one strategy would be:
    • where available, permanent attachable drives (EBS volumes)
    • where available, local volumes (ephemeral drives)
    • as a last resort, whatever's present.
    • Scratch space for jobs -- should be fast, no need for it to be persistent. On an EC2 instance, ephemeral drives would be preferred.
  • Similarly, a Cassandra installation will place the commitlog the fastest available volume, the data store on the most
    persistent available volume. A Mongo or MySQL admin may allocate high-demand tables on an SSD, the rest on normal disks.

You ask for volume_dirs with
* a system
* a component (optional)
* a tag

We will look as follows:

  • volumes tagged 'foo-
  • volumes tagged 'foo-scratch'
  • volumes tagged 'foo'
  • volumes tagged 'scratch'

Write your recipes to request volumes

Not doing this:

    standard_dirs('lolcat.generator') do
      log_dir       :mode => '0775'
      cache_dir     :for => :img
      cache_dir     :for => :html

assigning labels

Labels are assigned by a human using (we hope) good taste -- there's no effort,
nor will there be, to presuppose that flash drives are fast or large drives
are bulk. However, the cluster_chef provisioning tools do lend a couple

  • cloud(:ec2).defaults describes a :root

    • tags it as fallback
    • if it is ebs, tags it
    • does not marks it as mountable
  • cloud(:ec2).mount_ephemerals knows (from the instance type) what ephemeral
    drives will be present. It:

    • populates volumes ephemeral0 through (up to) ephemeral3
    • marks them as mountable
    • tags them as local, bulk and fallback
    • removes the fallback tag from the :root volume. (So be sure to call it after calling defaults.

You can explicitly override any of the above.


  • Hadoop namenode metadata:

    • :hadoop_namenode
    • :hadoop
    • [:persistent, :bulk]
    • :bulk
    • :fallback

    System Component Type Path Owner Mode Index attrs Description


hadoop          dfs_name        perm    hdfs/name       hdfs:hadoop     0700    all [:hadoop][:namenode   ][:data_dirs]
hadoop          dfs_2nn         perm    hdfs/secondary  hdfs:hadoop     0700    all [:hadoop][:secondarynn][:data_dirs]
hadoop          dfs_data        perm    hdfs/data       hdfs:hadoop     0755    all [:hadoop][:datanode   ][:data_dirs]
hadoop          mapred_local    scratch mapred/local    mapred:hadoop   0775    all [:hadoop][:tasktracker][:scratch_dirs]  mapred.local.dir
hadoop          log         scratch log         hdfs:hadoop 0775    first   [:hadoop][:log_dir]                 mapred.local.dir
hadoop          tmp         scratch tmp         hdfs:hadoop 0777    first   [:hadoop][:tmp_dir]                 mapred.local.dir

hbase           zk_data     perm    zk/data     hbase       0755    first   [:hbase][:zk_data_dir]      .
hbase           tmp         scratch tmp         hbase       0755    first   [:hbase][:tmp_dir]          .

zookeeper           data        perm    data        zookeeper   0755    first   [:zookeeper][:data_dir]         .
zookeeper           journal     perm    journal     zookeeper   0755    first   [:zookeeper][:journal_dir]      .

elasticsearch   data        perm    data        elasticsearch   0755    first   [:elasticsearch][:data_root]    .
elasticsearch   work        scratch work        elasticsearch   0755    first   [:elasticsearch][:work_root]    .

cassandra           data        perm    data        cassandra       0755    all [:cassandra][:data_dirs]
cassandra           commitlog       scratch commitlog   cassandra       0755    first   [:cassandra][:commitlog_dir]
cassandra           saved_caches    scratch saved_caches    cassandra       0755    first   [:cassandra][:saved_caches_dir]

flume           conf        .
flume           pid         .
flume           data        perm    data            flume
flume           log         scratch data        flume



scrapers        data_dir
api_stack       .


redis           data_dir
redis           work_dir
redis           log_dir

statsd          data_dir
statsd          log _dir

graphite            whisper     perm
graphite            carbon      perm
graphite            log_dir     perm





Besides creating the directory, we store the calculated path into



  • build_raid - Build a raid array of volumes as directed by node[:volumes]
  • default - Placeholder -- see other recipes in ec2 cookbook
  • format - Format the volumes listed in node[:volumes]
  • mount - Mount the volumes listed in node[:volumes]
  • resize - Resize mountables in node[:volumes] to fill the volume


Supports platforms: debian and ubuntu

Cookbook dependencies:
* metachef
* xfs


  • [:volumes] - Logical description of volumes on this machine (default: "{}")

    • This hash maps an arbitrary name for a volume to its device path, mount point, filesystem type, and so forth.

    volumes understands the same arguments at the mount resource (nb. the prefix on options, dump and pass):
    * mount_point (required to mount drive) The directory/path where the device should be mounted, eg '/data/redis'
    * device (required to mount drive) The special block device or remote node, a label or an uuid to mount, eg '/dev/sdb'. See note below about Xen device name translation.
    * device_type The type of the device specified -- :device, :label :uuid (default: :device)
    * fstype The filesystem type (xfs, ext3, etc). If you omit the fstype, volumes will try to guess it from the device.
    * mount_options Array or string containing mount options (default: "defaults")
    * mount_dump For entry in fstab file: dump frequency in days (default: 0)
    * mount_pass For entry in fstab file: Pass number for fsck (default: 2)

    volumes offers special helpers if you supply these additional attributes:
    * :scratch if true, included in scratch_volumes (default: nil)
    * :persistent if true, included in persistent_volumes (default: nil)
    * :attachable used by the ec2::attach_volumes cookbook.

    Here is an example, typical of an amazon m1.large machine:

    node[:volumes] = { :volumes => {
    :scratch1 => { :device => "/dev/sdb", :mount_point => "/mnt", :scratch => true, },
    :scratch2 => { :device => "/dev/sdc", :mount_point => "/mnt2", :scratch => true, },
    :hdfs1 => { :device => "/dev/sdj", :mount_point => "/data/hdfs1", :persistent => true, :attachable => :ebs },
    :hdfs2 => { :device => "/dev/sdk", :mount_point => "/data/hdfs2", :persistent => true, :attachable => :ebs },

    It describes two scratch drives (fast local storage, but wiped when the machine is torn down) and two persistent drives (network-attached virtual storage, permanently available).

    Note: On Xen virtualization systems (eg EC2), the volumes are renamed from /dev/sdj to /dev/xvdj -- but the amazon API requires you refer to it as /dev/sdj.

    If the node[:virtualization][:system] is 'xen' and there are no /dev/sdXX devices at all and there are /dev/xvdXX devices present, volumes will internally convert any device point of the form /dev/sdXX to /dev/xvdXX. If the example above is a Xen box, the values for :device will instead be "/dev/xvdb", "/dev/xvdc", "/dev/xvdj" and "/dev/xvdk".

  • [:metachef][:aws_credential_source] - (default: "data_bag")

    • where should we get the AWS keys?
  • [:metachef][:aws_credential_handle] - (default: "main")

    • the key within that data bag

License and Author

Author:: Philip (flip) Kromer - Infochimps, Inc (
Copyright:: 2011, Philip (flip) Kromer - Infochimps, Inc

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

readme generated by cluster_chef's cookbook_munger

Collaborator Number Metric

3.0.4 failed this metric

Failure: Cookbook has 0 collaborators. A cookbook must have at least 2 collaborators to pass this metric.

Contributing File Metric

3.0.4 failed this metric

Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file

Foodcritic Metric

3.0.4 failed this metric

FC046: Attribute assignment uses assign unless nil: volumes/attributes/default.rb:2
FC047: Attribute assignment does not specify precedence: volumes/libraries/simple_volume.rb:109
FC047: Attribute assignment does not specify precedence: volumes/libraries/simple_volume.rb:115
FC064: Ensure issues_url is set in metadata: volumes/metadata.rb:1
FC065: Ensure source_url is set in metadata: volumes/metadata.rb:1
FC066: Ensure chef_version is set in metadata: volumes/metadata.rb:1
FC069: Ensure standardized license defined in metadata: volumes/metadata.rb:1
FC072: Metadata should not contain "attribute" keyword: volumes/metadata.rb:1
Run with Foodcritic Version 16.3.0 with tags metadata,correctness ~FC031 ~FC045 and failure tags any

No Binaries Metric

3.0.4 passed this metric

Testing File Metric

3.0.4 failed this metric

Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must contain a file

Version Tag Metric

3.0.4 failed this metric

Failure: To pass this metric, your cookbook metadata must include a source url, the source url must be in the form of, and your repo must include a tag that matches this cookbook version number